Nutrition & Fitness

How do diet and exercise affect PAH?

You probably already know that a nutritious diet and regular exercise are part of a healthy lifestyle. But what changes when you’re living with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH)? Does exercise help improve PAH? Are there certain foods to avoid? What’s the science behind these recommendations? Find out what the science tells us about healthy living with PAH or try one of our 6-minute PHitness classes—fun workout routines designed specifically for those with PAH. Be sure to check with your healthcare provider before starting any new fitness class.

Man outside exercising
PAH Initiative’s diet, nutrition, and low salt article thumbnail.

Recipes for Different Scenarios

If you have PAH, you may already be reducing salt to manage fluid retention. Explore more dietary tips and recommended recipes to help.

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Diet, nutrition, & low salt

PAH Initiative’s diet, nutrition, and low salt article thumbnail.

Wondering about the cause of swollen ankles or the connection between fluid retention and salt? Read this article to learn the science behind how sodium and diet affect people with PAH.

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Which foods are your friends?

“Which foods are your friends” article discussing which foods can make PAH worse

Which foods are good for you? Can certain foods make your PAH worse? The answer may surprise you! Check out this article to find out which foods are better for PAH and which foods you should avoid.

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Websites for low-sodium diets

PAH friendly websites for low sodium diets article thumbnail

Looking for more information on low-sodium diets? This article offers a handy (and printable) list of PAH-friendly resources to help you plan your meals and make your new PAH diet stick.

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6-minute PHitness: Arms

PAH 6-minute PHitness class featuring PHitness Instructor Alli C. video thumbnail

Ready to get PHit? This 6-minute PHitness class features PHitness Instructor Alli C., who coaches you through a gentle but effective arm-strengthening routine designed for people with PAH.

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6-minute PHitness: Legs & seat

PAH legs and seat 6-minute PHitness class featuring PHitness Instructor Alli C. video thumbnail

Try this 6-minute PHitness class to engage your lower body. PHitness Instructor Alli C. leads you in a quick workout designed for people with PAH that will leave you feeling strong.

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PAH & exercise

PAH treatment plan tips for exercising safely article thumbnail

Wondering how to work exercise into your PAH treatment plan? Check out these tips for exercising safely.

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