Reaching Out & Staying Connected
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PAH patient video: Reaching out and staying connected
Living with PAH isn’t easy, but you have a community to support you so you don’t go through this alone. In this short video, Denise, Karen, and Lauren share their thoughts on how to reach out and stay connected.
[On Screen Text: Reaching Out and Staying Connected. PAH Initiative - Sponsored by United Therapeutics - Committed to Improving the Lives of Patients.]
[On Screen Text: Denise PAH Initiative Ambassador]
I really feel that a lot of people are saying how isolated they are and how they want to get out.
[On Screen Text: Karen PAH Initiative Ambassador]
Get on the phone, get on a video chat. You know, invite people to a video meeting, but stay connected.
[On Screen Text: Lauren PAH Initiative Ambassador]
Especially with the PAH community. There's a lot of patients out there that feel like they're alone already. And on top of this, it's probably very easy to feel very isolated. So, we do our best to try and reach out in the community.
I'm actually a support group leader and we meet virtually. And just to even check in.
You have to find people that know what you're going through. And I mean, it's great to have that wonderful doctor and that wonderful support team.
If you're having a really difficult time and you are a PAH patient that has not been able to reach out, see what kind of resources your doctor provides.
I have a great nurse. I can email them. I have an app that we work with and through. In all my medicines and everything we can email directly, or we can Facebook post or anything.
Find hobbies and positive things you love to do. If you love to knit, then join a knitting group. And if you love to paint start painting.
Do what you can to be mentally clear, whether that's you do a puzzle or you like to go for a bike ride or just anything that makes you happy.
Open up those blinds instead of keeping those blinds closed, definitely just bird watch. Just do something. You know, call that person, maybe you haven’t talked to in a while.
And it's the most important time to also make sure that you're reaching out to others as others are for yourself.
[On Screen Text: PAH Initiative - Sponsored by United Therapeutics - Committed to Improving the Lives of Patients. For more resources about PAH, please visit]
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