Prostacyclin Drug Class

The role of endogenous prostacyclin in lung function

Naturally occurring prostacyclin plays a crucial role in physiological processes:

  • Regulates blood vessel function, clotting, and inflammation1
  • Cumulatively helps to maintain tissue health throughout the body, including the lungs2
  • Addresses the progressive vascular remodeling associated with PAH that leads to narrowed, thickened pulmonary blood vessels and, consequently, abnormal hemodynamics1

Prostacyclin-class medications mimic naturally occurring prostacyclin

Prostacyclin-class therapies are distinctive in that they address the decrease in prostacyclin found in many patients with PAH. Not only do prostacyclin-class medications induce vasodilation; they also exhibit antithrombotic and antiproliferative properties. In addition, data show that prostacyclin-class medications may have anti-inflammatory effects.3

The Role of Prostacyclin in PAH brochure

“Role of Prostacyclin in PAH” brochure

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Supplementing endogenous levels of prostacyclin has demonstrated benefits

Prostacyclin treatment may improve the prognostic measures of risk assessment and delay disease progression.3 Due to their effects on pulmonary vascular resistance, prostacyclin-class medications may contribute to improved RV function, and, in turn, improve key measures of risk such as exercise capacity, functional class, NT-proBNP, and hemodynamics.4,5

Low-risk status is the ultimate goal for patients

Striving for low-risk status is the guidelines-supported goal for treating patients with PAH. Adding a prostacyclin-class medication to a patient’s treatment paradigm has demonstrated benefits facilitating this goal, including3,6:

  • Improved prognostic measures of risk
    • Functional Class4,7
    • 6MWD4,7
    • BNP/NT-proBNP4,8
    • Hemodynamics7,9
  • Delayed disease progression4,8
  • Improved PAH symptoms7,10

Near-normalization of the right heart is a key goal

Right heart dysfunction is a leading indicator of disease progression in PAH, as changes in the right heart occur before changes in a patient’ functional capacity. Therefore, in addition to reaching low-risk status, another key treatment goal is near-normalization of the right heart.11,12

Specific measurements that reveal right heart health include4,7,13:

  • Cardiac output
  • Cardiac index
  • Pulmonary vascular resistance
  • Mean pulmonary arterial pressure
  • BNP/NT-proBNP
Prostacyclin-replacement therapies improve many hemodynamic parameters, which are further associated with lower risk status—contributing to a goal of near-normalization of the right heart.14-16

Side effects

For patients with PAH who use prostacyclin-class medications, side effects may include headache, diarrhea, jaw pain, nausea, muscle pain, and flushing. These are not all of the side effects; additional side effects may be specific to the drug and route of administration.17,18

Prostacyclin-class medications have a proven safety record―their side effects are well understood, and there are many methods for proactively managing them.17,18 Discussing the side effects with patients and collaborating with PH expert centers can help your patients manage these effects to stay on treatment.3

Explore the critical role of prostacyclin in PAH

Watch this video to learn more about the role of prostacyclin and the impact it may have on your PAH treatment decisions.

Click to expand transcript

[Video title: The Prostacyclin Pathway]

PAH and the Role of Prostacyclin

Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension, or PAH, is a serious and progressive disease that severely impairs patients’ functional abilities, ultimately leading to right heart failure. While the etiology of PAH is not fully understood, the pathophysiology of the disease is well-established.

The rate of progression can be rapid and unpredictable, underscoring the urgency to diagnose and treat quickly. In the absence of targeted drug treatment, median survival was shown to be less than 2.8 years.

Because of the poor prognosis, treatment guidelines emphasize achieving low risk status as a key treatment goal. Multiple registries tracking large patient cohorts have shown a distinct improvement in 5-year prognosis when patients improve their risk status, particularly when improvement is achieved in the first year of therapy.

Over the course of the disease, PAH manifests as remodeling of the small pulmonary arteries, resulting in vasoconstriction, smooth muscle cell proliferation, and platelet aggregation. These effects, together with inflammation and a host of other vascular changes, lead to increased resistance and pressure across the heart and lungs.

While the heart can initially compensate, the progressive increases in pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) overloads the right ventricle, ultimately leading to decreases in cardiac output and right heart failure.

Fortunately, with decades of research and clinical experience, the role of various disease mediators has been elucidated, particularly the role of prostacyclin.

PAH is characterized by abnormally low levels of prostacyclin, or PGI2, an endogenous, naturally occurring metabolite of arachidonic acid.

Prostacyclin carries out several important actions to help improve heart and lung function. Prostacyclin deficiency, resulting from disease-mediated injury to vascular endothelial cells, has been linked with increased pulmonary arterial pressure, worse disease severity and higher risk of disease progression.

Complications in the lungs caused by inadequate levels of prostacyclin include constriction of the small pulmonary arteries, hypertrophy and proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells, and heightened risk of blood clotting. Additionally, data suggests insufficient prostacyclin levels may be associated with pulmonary arterial inflammation.

While multiple classes of medications are now approved for the treatment of PAH, treating the Prostacyclin pathway has been a foundation of PAH care for over 25 years. Medications which aim to compensate for missing prostacyclin – known as prostacyclin replacement therapies – play a critical role in blood vessel dilation improving lung function and cardiac performance.

Prostacyclin replacement therapies have been shown to broadly improve right heart function by decreasing the burden on the right ventricle. For instance, prostacyclin reduces pulmonary artery pressure and resistance, leading to improved cardiac blood flow. Notably, these changes unload the right ventricle and decrease natriuretic peptide levels. These hemodynamic effects may lead to improved right heart function, which is predictive of better outcomes.

Additionally, in large-scale clinical trials, prostacyclin class therapies have been shown to delay clinical worsening while improving functional outcomes - such as 6-minute walk distance and Functional Class. These effects are key parameters considered in risk calculations. Improving these parameters may help patients improve their risk status.

Prostacyclin replacement therapies are formulated for multiple routes of administration including inhaled, oral, subcutaneous, and IV

Prostacyclin replacement therapies are most commonly used in combination with other classes of PAH therapy. With multiple administration forms available today, these therapies can be used earlier to adapt in a variety of patient lifestyles and used throughout all stages of PAH disease.

Prostacyclin replacement therapies have a well-characterized safety profile with side effects that are well-understood, including: headache, diarrhea, jaw pain, nausea, muscle pain, and flushing. Additional side effects may be specific to the drug and route of administration. Methods to help manage these expected effects can be personalized for each patient.

Part 3: Treatment considerations

Current treatment guidelines recommend multi-parameter risk assessment at baseline, with follow-up risk assessment as often as every 3 months. Prompt therapy adjustment is recommended when patients are not at low-risk status.

In addition, it is imperative to monitor the early or “leading” signs of disease changes. In PAH, changes in right heart function precede changes in other parameters such as exercise tests and functional class, the latter often referred to as “lagging” indicators. Treatment would be expected to benefit right heart function early, thereby improving overall patient function and reducing risk of disease worsening events.

Because changes in the right heart can be seen before clinical decline, the current treatment guidelines recommend echocardiography at baseline, with therapy changes and clinical worsening. Echos may also be completed every 3 to 6 months in stable patients.

Delaying therapy as little as 6 weeks – whether initial or sequential combination – can have a detrimental impact on your patient’s outcomes. Patients may experience early improvements in their condition, with noticeable improvements in function achieved in as few as 4-6 weeks of initiating Prostacyclin replacement therapy.

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Prostacyclin-class therapy is an important consideration in all PAH therapy regimens

Treating patients with a combination therapy regimen that includes prostacyclin-class medication has shown improved outcomes and improvements in risk status vs monotherapy.5

Current PAH treatment guidelines recommend prostacyclin-class medications3:

  • As initial therapy for patients at high risk
    • All patients starting PAH therapy should have follow-up within 3 months to reassess risk status
  • As add-on therapy at first follow-up for patients not at low risk
    • Options for patients at intermediate low risk include oral and inhaled prostacyclins
    • Adding a parenteral prostacyclin is recommended for patients at intermediate high and high risk
Prostacyclin-class medications, when used with other classes of medication, may improve risk status.3

Prostacyclin-class therapy administration options

Advances in prostacyclin development have led to more options for administration. With the variety of forms for prostacyclin administration, patients can titrate to a maintenance dose efficiently, safely, and effectively. The diverse administration choices also offer more opportunities to customize therapy according to a patient's disease status, needs, and lifestyle.

Prostacyclin-class therapies are available in oral and inhaled formulations, as well as through parenteral delivery.

Oral prostacyclins

Icon of oral pill

Oral formulations are available in pill form, and in multiple dose strengths to make titration smoother.19,20

Inhaled prostacyclins

Icon of lungs

Using inhaled formulations allows patients to deliver the prostacyclin medication directly to the small pulmonary vessels affected in PAH, facilitating fast titration.21-23

Parenteral prostacyclins

Icon of infusion

Parenteral therapies provide continuous medication delivery to the patient through subcutaneous or intravenous routes via a pump, available in multiple options, including compact versions.24,25

Learn more about prostacyclin-class medications

Visit United Therapeutics

As therapy evolves, experience matters

Prostacyclins were the first class of therapy approved for PAH

Over the years, prostacyclin-class medications have been extensively researched, and current guidelines support their use throughout the management of PAH as part of a patient’s individualized treatment plan. Prostacyclin-class therapies have been studied in patients across functional classes (I-IV) as an important part of combination treatment regimens.3,26,27

Prostacyclins continue to evolve today–updates in pump technology further refine parenteral treatment and enhance patient use.17,25

Gaining experience with all forms of prostacyclin medications is important to understanding how the medications work and when they work best.

Why experience matters

HCPs with experience in patients with PAH accumulate vital knowledge and access to essential resources and tools necessary to provide comprehensive patient support.

  • Patient circumstances and profile can, and often do, evolve. To navigate patient variables like lifestyle, risk status, and medication adherence, HCPs need to be adept in creating highly individualized treatment plans
  • Continual monitoring every 3 to 6 months per current PAH treatment guidelines is critical, as patient needs change over time. HCPs must understand how to monitor, when it is time for a dose change, and how to help patients incorporate an additional therapy and lifestyle modifications3
  • Prostacyclin therapy can be vital; determining where it fits into the treatment plan necessitates a thorough understanding of a patient's specific clinical profile, including functional class, comorbidities, and response to previous or current therapies. HCPs need experience to anticipate, recognize, and manage dose titration needs and potential dose responses and side effects
Contact a PH expert center to support patients with PAH.
6MWD=6-minute walk distance; BNP=brain natriuretic peptide; NT-proBNP=N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide; PAH=pulmonary arterial hypertension. References: 1. Zeng C, at al. Respir Res. 2023;24(1):263. 2. Vinokurova M, et al. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2024;44(1):271-286. 3. Humbert M, et al. Eur Heart J. 2022;43(38):3618-3731. 4. White RJ, et al. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2020;201(6):707-717. 5. Badagliacca R, et al. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2021;203(4):484-492. 6. Mandras S, et al. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol Ther. 2021;26(5):453-462. 7. Barst RJ, et al. N Engl J Med. 1996;334(5):296-301. 8. Sitbon O, et al. N Engl J Med. 2015;373:2522-2533. 9. Khan A, et al. Respir Med. 2022;193:106744. 10. Oudiz RJ, et al. Chest. 2004;126(2):420-427. 11. Simonneau G, et al. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2002;165:800-804. 12. Milks MW, et al. J Heart Lung Transplant. 2021;40:172-182. 13. McLaughlin VV, et al. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2010;55:1915-1922. 14. Miotti C, et al. J Clin Med. 2021;10(4):619. 15. D’Alto M, et al. Chest. 2020;157(2):376-383. 16. Kia DS, et al. Front Physiol. 2021;12:641310. 17. Kumar P, et al. Clin Pharmacokinet. 2016;55(12):1495-1505. 18. Kingman M, et al. Pulm Circ. 2017;7(3):598-608. 19. Orenitram [package insert]. Research Triangle Park, NC: United Therapeutics Corporation; 2023. 20. Uptravi [package insert]. South San Francisco, CA: Actelion Pharmaceuticals US, Inc.; 2022. 21. Ventavis [package insert]. South San Francisco, CA: Actelion Pharmaceuticals US, Inc.; 2022. 22. TYVASO [package insert]. Research Triangle Park, NC: United Therapeutics Corporation; 2022. 23. TYVASO DPI [package insert]. Research Triangle Park, NC: United Therapeutics Corporation; 2023. 24. Flolan [package insert]. Research Triangle Park, NC: GlaxoSmithKline; 2023. 25. Remodulin [package insert]. Research Triangle Park, NC: United Therapeutics Corporation; 2021. 26. Barnes H, et al. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2019;5(5):CD012785. 27. Maestas T, et al. Pulm Circ. 2018;8(4):2045894018797270.